Feb 28, 2011

A Simple Government Mike Huckabee

"We need a government that simply does not get me wrong .. I know that many of the most complex problems of the nation, but I also know that the guiding principles to resolve them, if we can work together, are simple. "
Armed with little money but a lot of sense, surprised the former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee, the country during the second during the Republican primaries of 2008. He, with millions of voters, asking for a smaller government, more simply, to stay connected to the road if necessary. (Unfortunately, it does not have enough voters, the election of Barack Obama to avoid).
Since then, Obama's message of "hope and change" transformed "tax and spend" and "borrow money" and "lead to excessive regulation and spending." measures to stop the recession, the deficit soared to new heights, and the Democrats in Congress have blocked a financial "reform" bill that does not really horror and reform of health care has given the government more power in our personal lives than ever.
However, Huckabee continues with the voice of common sense conservatism, with its television and radio commentary of conferences around the country. He is currently writing a book to twelve things that we really need Washington to the backcountry on track quantities.
The twelve essential truths that you must accept an agreement if you are a Republican, an independent art, or even open-minded Democrat. You can help us put aside our differences, weaken the partisan rancor, and return to simple principles of the Founding Fathers: liberty and justice, personal freedom and civic virtue. And we can help fight against the seemingly complex problems of today. For example:
* You can not spend what you do not, you can not ask what you do not pay. Families, businesses, cities, states and all have to balance their budgets or bad consequences. Why the federal government with the same standard be maintained? And if that means taking tough decisions today, is a much better alternative to saddle our children and grandchildren. * As you move away from the coast, most likely to be lost at sea The founders hope that the federal government, subject to state and local governments. As politicians in Washington can help determine the best way for farmers in Iowa, auto workers in Michigan, or teacher in California? You can not. Therefore, it should solve all problems at the local level, can be solved.
* The rogue in the courtyard only to understand one thing. There is a time and place of diplomacy, but can not protect the country through negotiations with our enemies. We need a strong national defense and the policy against terrorism, the effectiveness, not politically correct.
* The most important form of government is the family. to ensure the long term, the only form of security, prosperity and equality of opportunity for us to educate our children to become productive and ethical. No bureaucracy can replace the essential role that parents need to help all parents can do their work.
A government simply inspire all Americans seeking a better future. About the Author Mike Huckabee has been vice-governor of Arkansas from 1993 to 1996 and governor from 1996 to 2007. After that finished second in the 2008 presidential candidates on the Republican primary, has hosted the popular talk show on Fox News Channel Huckabee (where he plays bass with the house band) and the report on Huckabee Citadel Radio. He is also president of HuckPAC, a grassroots conservatives. His books include the New York Times best-seller Do the Right Thing and a simple Christmas Quit your grave with a knife and fork. He and his wife Janet have been married for 36 years and have three adult children. Visit www.MikeHuckabee.com

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